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  1. Best place to acquire info about upcoming hillclimb/motorkhana events??
  2. 15/11/14 - Waneroo Karts - Round 2 of champion of the universe
  3. Barbagallo Tuning Afternoon/Evening - Monday 2nd Feb - $100
  4. McRae Rallysprint Series '14-15
  5. No Limits Speed Event 12th March 2015
  6. State Sprint Series 2015
  7. Northam - Olde Bangers This Weekend
  8. Albany June Long Weekend
  9. Targa South West 2015 - May 23rd -24th
  10. 24/05/15 - Collie motorplex test and tune
  11. Targa west 2015
  12. 2015-2016 McRae Motorsport Rallysprint Series
  13. Targa City Sprint
  14. Perth Speed Fest?
  15. Night masters, 27th of sept. Flames and glowing stuff.
  16. Powercruise 2015??
  17. Bunbury Targa City Sprint
  18. Australian Hillclimb Championships
  19. Autocross - looks like cheap fun?
  20. 24hr of Lemons - Collie 2016
  21. Vintage Stampede, Sun 29th Nov. Get your beard on
  22. Collie Motorplex test and tune 29th Nov
  23. [JAN 31 & FEB 7] RAC PDC and Club sprint
  24. Targa 2016 thread
  25. Turbosmart Thunderbolt 90
  26. Dongara/denison speed trials /midwest show and shine
  27. Albany - June Long Weekend 2016
  28. Barbagallo Tuning Night - Wed 1st June - spots avail - $100 - 3 hrs.
  29. Collie Motorplex Weekend OCT 29-30 – WRX Club WA
  30. Racewars Perth -> Albany Cruise Friday 3rd March
  31. Roll Racing - Wanneroo Raceway
  32. Track day Barbs Wednesday 5th April 2017
  33. Track Day at Collie Motorplex
  34. Bunbury Sprint 2017, 24-25 June.
  35. Meet & Eat at Sydney Dragway March 29!
  36. Speedevent series Collie Weekender
  37. Motorplex euro trash thrash tonight
  38. Roll Racing Sat 22nd
  39. Rallysprint Jan 10th - co-driver wanted
  40. Cruise West Events - Barbagallo Raceway
  41. Collie Long track
  42. Saturday Night Drift 2020 Calendar (New social Drift event)
  43. Superlaps - Barbagallo Raceway
  44. Narrogin Revheads
  45. Targa Albany Sprint
  46. Roll Racing 30th October
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