View Full Version : Past Events
- [09TH NOV] PerthStreetScene Show And Shine
- [16TH NOV] CCCWA Nav Run
- [21ST NOV] Friday Night Cruise
- [15th Nov] Cruise City West 9:30
- [28th NOV] Friday night cruise
- [13th DEC] Skidpan $10 entry
- [29TH NOV] Sat Night
- [20TH DEC] Xmas Lights Cruise
- Cruise Tonight - Wed 3rd December
- [05th DEC] Cruise tonight
- [06TH DEC] Sat Any Cruises On?
- [11th Jan] PSS Bikini Car Wash
- [14th Dec] anybody keen on a coastal drive?
- [19TH DEC] Friday Night Cruise
- [23rd Dec] Tuesday evening cruise
- [22nd Dec] Mystery Monday(Tonight) Kwinana Motorplex
- [27th Dec] Saturday VN/VP cruise!!
- [Tonight - 27 Dec] - Hills run.. no muppets
- [10th Jan 2009] Performance Car Cruise
- [28TH DEC] Sunday Cruise
- [28TH DEC] sunday night cruise
- [2nd January] Friday Night Cruise
- [3rd Jan] Saturday Night Cruise
- [11th Jan] Sunday Coastal Cruise
- [17TH Jan] Saturday Arvo Coastal Cruise
- [07TH MAR] Saturday Auto Trader WADRIFT Show & Shine Competition
- [08TH OCT] Thursday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday - POWERCRUISE 09
- [24th Jan] Sat nite Cruise
- [31ST JAN] Saturday Night Cruise
- [06TH FEB] Friday Night Cruise
- [22ND MAR] Sunday Adrian Lee (4MY SON) Memorial Cruise...
- [08TH FEB] Sunday Offroad Day
- [14TH FEB] Saturday Big Al's Poker Run
- [1ST MARCH] Italian car & bike day
- [20th Feb] Victorian Bushfire Fundraiser Cruise
- [13th Feb] Ridin Dirrrrrrrrrrrty Cruise
- [15TH MAY] Friday, Saturday & Sunday - Performance, Street & Race Motorshow Burswood
- [15th Mar] Tech 9 Tyres and Perth Street Scene Show and Shine / Bikini Wash.
- [1st March] Sunday VB-VS Commodores cruise
- [28th Feb] Uncle Mick's Long Weekend Boredom Killer
- [1st March] Cruise
- [6th March] Friday Cruise
- [7TH MAR] Saturday Nightcruisers Cruise
- [7TH MAR] Saturday SAU Cruise
- [13th MAR] Any Cruises Fri Night
- [13th Mar] Stolen From P-Wrx
- [14th March] Sat Nite Cruise
- [21st Mar] Night Cruizerz 1st year cruise
- [20th MARCH] Friday Night Cruise
- [19th April] Lancelin MX/ATV off-road day
- [11th April] AHG Skidpan Day
- [4TH April] Not For The Faint Hearted Performance Car Cruise
- [27th Mar] Friday Nite Cruise
- [29th March] gerrin's coastal cruise
- [29th March] MX/ATV riding at the Pines
- [28th March] Sat Nite Cruise
- [15th April] PSS Presents Fast and Furious 4 Preview Screening
- [02ND MAY] FINAL WADIRFT Show & Shine Competition
- [10th April] Friday Nite Cruise
- [11TH APRIL] Easter Saturday Performance Car Night Cruise
- [12th April] Sunday Late Night Cruise
- [17th April] Friday Nite Cruise
- [18th April] Some CityWest Cruise
- [02ND MAY] PSS Presents: Miss WA Drift
- [28TH APR] PSS Presents: X-Men Origins: Wolverine Preview Screening
- [16TH MAY] Saturday - PSS Presents: Daylight Savings Referendum Quiz Night
- [17TH MAY] Sunday - REXPO 2009 Barbagallo Raceway
- [16TH MAY] Saturday - EPIC PARTY
- [24th April] Cruise Tonight
- [25TH APR] West Coast Commodores Charity Cruise
- [26th April] Sunday Night, anything on?
- Malaga Auto Pro Superstore Holden Vs Ford Car Show
- [2ND MAY] Saturday Any Cruises On?
- Pinch and punch Cruise
- [8th May 09] Friday Open Cruise
- [16th May] Any cruises on?
- Last nights Crash.....
- [22ND MAY] Friday - National Breast Cancer Foundation Cruise
- [23rd MAY] Saturday Cruise, taken from some site
- [29th May] Friday Nite Cruise
- [30TH MAY] Saturday Carnal Cruise
- [31st May] Sunday Nite Cruise
- [6TH JUN] Saturday Triple-D Cruise
- [5th June] Friday Nite Cruise
- [10TH JUN] Any Cruises on tonight?
- [13TH JUN] Saturday Performance Cruise
- [june 12] friday night, anything on?
- [27th june] Saturday Triple-d cruise
- [3rd July] Friday Nite Cruise
- [4th July] Saturday Night Cruise
- [10TH JUL] Friday Performance Cruise
- [18th july] triple-d
- [17th JULY] Anything on tonight?
- [25TH JULY] Casual Saturday Night Cruise
- [24th July] Formal Friday Night Cruise
- [31st July] Friday Nite Cruise
- [2nd August] Sunday Day Cruise
- [1ST Aug] Saturday Night Cruise
- [8TH AUG] Performance Cruise
- [9TH AUG] Sunday Night Cruise
- [15th August] Saturday night cruise
- [22ND AUG] Saturday Triple-D Cruise
- [06TH SEP] Sunday 3rd Annual Peter Brock Tribute Day Cruise
- [05TH DEC] Saturday Show and Shine 09
- [04TH SEP] Friday Night Cruise
- [05TH SEP] Antilag 21 Re-Run
- [05TH SEP] There's nothing else on, and I want something to do Cruise.
- [06 sept]Sunday night cruise i.e. tonight
- [12th sept] saturday Triple-d
- [11th Sept] Some "Game Cruise" Thingo...
- any cruises tonight??
- [15TH DEC] Monsta Torque/Total Construction Motorplex Private Track Day
- [16 Sept] Whoop Ass Wednesday
- [17TH OCT] - WTFauto have moved, BBQ at new workshop
- [19TH SEP] - Saturday Night Cruise
- Cruise [Friday 25th Sept] BoXi is a dumb kunt
- [26th Sept] Night Cruise
- [3rd Oct] Saturday Rebecca Ball Fundraiser Cruise
- [2ND OCT] Friday Night Cruise
- [13TH/14TH NOV] Friday/Saturday Drag Meets
- [30TH OCT] Friday "Making A Difference" (M.A.D) Quiz Night
- [Cruise 16 oct Burswood Tennis Centre 9:30]
- [17 OCT] Saturday, anything on tonight?
- [25th Oct] PSS Super Cruise
- Sunday 25th oct: anyone keen for a day offroad ?
- [31ST OCT] Saturday Midnight Run Albany To Esperance
- [30th oct] tonight cruise
- [31st Oct] Saturday Night Cruise
- [04TH DEC] Friday Night Cruise & BBQ
- [06TH NOV] Friday Night Casual Cruise
- [7th Nov] Sat Nite Cruise
- [13th Nov] Triple-D Cruise
- [13 NOV] Casual EOI Cruise
- [03RD DEC] Craid Dyson Tunes.
- [20TH NOV] - Friday Night Performance Cruise
- [21ST NOV] Saturday Cruise
- [25TH NOV] Woop-ass-wednesday
- [27th Nov] friday night Cruise
- [04TH DEC] Crossroads Cruise
- [28TH NOV] Sat Nite Cruise
- [5TH/6TH DEC] EOI 4X4 Trip W/E NOR
- [11TH DEC] R32 Skyline Club Cruise
- [5th DEC] Sat Night Cruise
- EOI: 6th Dec. Sunday Coastal Cruise.
- [12TH DEC] Saturday Driver Training - Double Skidpan
- [12TH DEC] - Saturday Bikini Car Wash
- Cruise tonight[12 dec ]
- [13TH DEC] Sunday Coastal Run
- [18th DEC] Friday Late Night Cruise
- tonight.... cruise... or not to cruise... this is my question
- Saturday [19 Dec] Tonight
- [26TH DEC] Saturday Triple D Charity Cruise
- [25TH DEC] EOI bored on xmas cruise.
- [26TH DEC] Stab And Punch Cruise
- [27th Dec] Canktacular night cruise
- [1ST JAN] Friday First Cruise For 2010
- [9TH JAN] Saturday Toodyay Bushfire Fundraiser Cruise
- 2-01-10 late night cruise
- Motorvation 2010 Photos, Vids - some nsfw
- Motorvation 2010 Discussion, Results.
- [30TH JAN] Saturday Performance Cars Only Cruise
- [31ST JAN] Sunday Open "Toyota only" Day Cruise
- [22ND JAN] Friday Performance Cars Only Cruise
- [22ND JAN] Friday Rydin Diirty Cruise
- [28TH FEB] Sunday WCC Amazing Race Themed Cruise
- [5th Feb] Friday Nite Cruise
- [12FEB] Friday Perth Rota Night Cruise
- E.O.I tonight
- [Sat 13th Feb tonight ] cruise
- [6th MAR] I'm back from NZ and I wanna cruise.
- photo shoot tonight, 16th feb
- AutoX show - may 1/2
- saturday night cruise
- Collie Gazznats 2010
- [24TH FEB] Whoop ass Wednesday
- [26TH MAY] Wednesday Monsta Torque/Total Construction Motorplex Private Track Day V2
- [27th Feb] Saturday dyno day @ kostecki
- [27th Feb] Tonight
- [1st March] coastal cruise
- [27TH MARCH] Saturday Dyno Day
- [13th March] Cruise
- [28th March] R32 Skyline Club Cruise
- [14th march] another sunday coastal drive n shit
- [19th MAR] Friday Nite Cruise
- PSS Bikini Carwash
- [20th March] Saturday Night Performance Cruise
- [21TH MARCH] Sunday Coastal cruise to PSS Bikini Car Wash
- [21st March] coastal n shit
- [27TH MARCH] AHG Skidpan
- [27th cruise tonite] uncle micks
- [28th March] Sunday Cruise
- Drinks, Dancing and DP!!!!!!!!
- [10th of April] Show N Shine - Barbagallo Raceway
- [2nd April] Good Friday Blat
- Who's keen to get their quad out?
- [ 4th April ] Sunday Night
- [4th april] sunday lunchtime coastal drive
- [10th APRIL] Saturday Night Cruise
- [April 10th] Drift WA series final @ barbagallo raceway.
- [9th APRIL] Friday night
- [11th April] late arvo drive
- [16TH MAY] Sunday R32 Skyline Club RAC Arvo
- [1ST MAY] Saturday AHG/RAC Skid Pan
- [23RD APR] Friday General Car Cruise
- [24TH APR] Saturday Night Cruise
- [22ND APR] Tonight No Limits Track Night @ Barbs - Some Places Available
- [24th april] Late night cruise
- Cruise [ April 25th ] Tonight
- Monday 26th: Coastal Cruise
- [2ND MAY] Day Time Coastal Cruise
- [April 30th] Cruise Tonight
- [9th May] Sunday Day Cruise
- [7th May] Cruise Tonight
- [9th may] short notice drive
- [14th May] Friday Night Cruise
- [15 MAY 2010] Saturday - Biggest Dyno Day
- [16 MAY 10] - Sunday - Coastal Run
- Coconut Run 3 - Coconut Photography
- Workshop needed for photo shoot! Sat 22nd May
- [26th May] Woop ass Wednesdays final night of the season
- 30th May Sunday Coastal Cruise
- [6th June] Sunday cruise... 3pm meet @ munchies
- [7th June] Monday cruise
- [12th June] Sat Nite Cruise
- [13th June] Sunday Coastal Run
- Scavenger Hunt Cruise 25-6-2010
- [Saturday 19th June] Cruise
- [20th June] coastal cruise
- 26th june
- [3rd July] sat night cruise
- [8TH AUG] Sunday Country Cruise
- 10th July 4wd flex comp
- [5TH SEP] Sunday Spina Bifida Association Fair & Show N Shine
- [sat 17th] performance cruise
- Sunday [18th July] Coastal Cruise
- [30TH SEP] Thursday Pre Powercruise/MotiveDVD meet
- [31st July] Sat nite cruise
- [14TH AUG] Saturday 4-Door Old School Nissan Cruise
- [14th Aug] Saturday Night Cruise !
- [Saturday 21 Aug] Cruise
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