View Full Version : For Sale Template! Read Here!

24-09-2006, 11:38 PM
Paste the below into your for sale thread to make thing alot easier for you the seller and potential buyers.

For sale:


Price and price conditions:

Extra Info (ie mods/history etc etc)

Contact Details:

(add your location here or your post will be DELETED!) <-- delete this line once your typed everything up!

Delivery & Conditions of Delivery:


Antilag For sale section rules

1. Established members only, you must have 5 or more non-off-topic posts in order to start a thread in the classifieds section. This is not carsales.com, and as such the classifieds section is restricted to members who actually contribute.

2. NO BUMPING, 1st bump will be deleted if a 2nd occurs thread will be locked

3. Private posts only, this includes posting for friends, or individuals fronting for businesses. This excludes Antilags Paying Sponsors.

4. Post a price, lets be clear on this though, if it's blatantly overpriced, expect to cop flack. This forum isn't here to rip off fellow members.

5. Please keep to the topic - Ask genuine questions and dont get off track. It makes it easier for all - sellers arn't checking back for no reason and wasting their time and it also gives the forums a more professional look. Random offtopic posts will be deleted.

6. No excessive use or abuse of the classifieds section. This relates to those who join the forums, post the minimum amount of posts to gain access to the classifieds, and then spend the rest of their time on these forums peddling their parts and other items. If you are one of these types of users, your threads and posts may be deleted without warning, no questions asked. The classifieds are a privilege, not a right.

7. Notifying of sold items. Please either put in your thread that the item has been sold or PM a mod to close and remove it. This allows these areas to remain clear of old threads

8. No nice car / Good luck with sale Threads will be cleaned, offenders will have classified privileges removed and or banned.

9. Posting in threads Only post in a thread if you have a genuine interest in purchasing.

03-07-2008, 01:22 PM
(add your location here or your post will be DELETED!) <-- delete this line once your typed everything up!
Thought this bit deserved a bumping, as very few people (probably including myself if I sold stuff, I'm a hoarder though, so don't have that problem) seem to include it in their posts.