View Full Version : Hilux 4x4 rear drum wont come off

15-01-2011, 02:44 PM
Hi All,

Changing shoes on the rear drums. Cant seem to get one of the drums off. Have changed drums before on other cars, lots of hammering usually helps and ive taken off lots of hard ones before. This one just wont budge.

ive undone the handbrake just in case, My next option would be to try screwing in the adjuster from the adjustment hole on the inside however its quite seized up and cant really adjust it. Took the other drum off and even with the drum off i had trouble turning adjuster so try doing same things through a peep hole.. not going to happen.

The drum turns alright but im still assuming the brakes are pressing against the drum. There is movement about 2mm, but it kinda just springs back into place which is why i think the shoes are holding it there..

any suggestions?

draining the brake fluid help at all?


15-01-2011, 03:13 PM
Naaaa draining the fluid isnt really gonna help.

You really need to see if you can adjust them back, especially if the other side drum has a lip on its edge.

Spray some freeze and release on the adjuster, crc it..... It will come eventually but will be a prick.

If no luck you will have 2xm8 bolt holes in the drum you use as pullers. If you can put A LITTLE pressure on those (its very easy to crack the drum this way), and tap the vertical face of the drum.... ie the flat surface your looking at and tap tap tap tap around the edge, hopefully it will pull away from the backing plate. you can then try and lever/push the shoes one way and then the other to try and get them to clear the lip in the drum......

Hard to explain but it can be a annoying task.

Or, measure the old drum you could get off and find out if its at maximum diameter, if this is the case grab the oxy and slice the otherside drum off :D

16-01-2011, 04:41 AM
YEP^^^^^^ what he said....

Dead Blow Hammer is your friend!!

16-01-2011, 01:15 PM

Ended up taping another 4 holes as well to get it off. hammered the absolute F?$%^ out of it and finally released with a crow bar!! had a mega lip on it.. shoes on now, just get it machined on monday and put back on.
