View Full Version : Latest project haha, one for my wife !!!!!

big o
14-05-2013, 09:48 AM
here is a bike I just did for my Wife, had lots of help from a good mate Clayton Leist

It's a Electra white betty, 3 speed.

This is how it started life
http://i1075.photobucket.com/albums/w425/bigorx33/TASHBIKE001_zps57de8071.jpg (http://s1075.photobucket.com/user/bigorx33/media/TASHBIKE001_zps57de8071.jpg.html)

And now it's nearly finished just waiting for bell, valve caps seat clamp new chrome stem from amazon.
http://i1075.photobucket.com/albums/w425/bigorx33/TASHBIKE009_zps81b846e6.jpg (http://s1075.photobucket.com/user/bigorx33/media/TASHBIKE009_zps81b846e6.jpg.html)

14-05-2013, 10:22 AM
If your wife ever gets tired of it, let me know, as my wife would probably enjoy this :D

big o
14-05-2013, 10:29 AM
I rode it sunday mate, it's like a rolls royce such a wide comfy seat and sprung also haha.