I'm selling my pride and joy to fund more modifications for my car.
Its a HPI Savage SS.
Features include:
Full rebuild IE all parts are new or in as new condition.
HPI dual disc brake
HPI heavy duty diff kits front and rear (4 spyder gears in each)
RTR rear feed fuel tank
Dubro fuel filter
MIP clutch
SH .28 big block 3.6HP engine, barely run in
Motorsaver air filter
2 shells
Hitec high torque metal gear steering servo
Kimbrough servo saver
JR throttle servo
GWS failsafe
RC Trix spring set (40% stiffer than standard)
2 sets of rims and tyres
Spare, brand new pair of paddle tyres.
Some spare parts.
Glow starter with battery.
All you'll need is a radio and receiver. This can be had for around 50 bucks, up to 600 dollars.
This is in AS NEW condition, to replace this you will be looking at over 2000 bucks, asking 950 ONO
How fast this thing likely to go? - I assume I'd be blown away compared to my Nikko 9.6volt Ford F150 lol? I mean of course its faster - but for a radio controlled car kid whos now grown up - am I gonna regress to my teens and be smiling so wide I swallow my ears??
Also - what are the dimensions of it (width / length / height with shell on). And is the second shell exactly the same style?
i can atest to the quality of this monster truck
it HAULED ASS too and i believe it got modded even harder so yeah must be a bullet now!
and that suspension is unreal you can drop it from head height and it doesnt even bounce.